Tuesday 2 October 2012

Getting to know you

I've been awarded a Liebster Blog Award by Meg at http://thelondonmama.blogspot.co.uk/. It's a great award that lets you find out a bit more about other bloggers you follow. Here’s how it works...

The rules are simple:
- post 5 random facts about yourself
- choose 5 other deserving blogs with less than 200 subscribers to nominate and link their blogs in your post.
- tell your nominees you have chosen them for this award by leaving a comment on their blogs
- answer the 5 questions the tagger has asked you and ask your own 5 questions to the people you nominate.
- no tag backs.

So, 5 random facts about me:

01. My favourite film is Jurassic Park. It’s the John Williams soundtrack that does it, plus the dinosaurs – those velociraptors scare the life out of me. Anything with Bruce Willis comes in a close second.
02. I play the violin and piano and am learning the ukulele. I would love to improvise jazz but I can’t shake off that classical training. I need to find my inner Oscar Peterson.
03. I write a regular interiors page for a magazine – I’m no interior designer but I do love talking paint and wallpapers.
04. I have got a fancy camera but not got around to reading the manual. I really want to take one of those pictures where a dew drop on a leaf is in clear focus and everything around it is fuzzy.
05. I lived in London for ten years which was great fun but quickly lost its appeal when a baby came on the scene. The three of us now live a 20-minute drive from the seaside.

Meg's Questions:

01. Of all your posts, which was your favourite to write?
I rather liked my post ‘I’m somebody’s mummy’ but more for the content than the enjoyment of writing it. I was talking about how delighted I was that, after a lot of ‘mamamama’ noises, the little man had finally said ‘mummy’. I was rather chuffed.

02. Have you ever met a blogger you follow in real life?
No, but I would love to. Reckon that would be lots of fun. Can’t see it happening though. Now if you all moved down south...

03. What's your favourite book - one for you and one for reading with your little one?
My favourite book is John Steinbeck’s East of Eden. The way he paints a picture with words is pretty impressive.  Not if I could write like him... My favourite book for the little man is Dogger by Shirley Hughes. It first came out the year I was born and it gives me that lovely warm feeling that comes with nostalgia sometimes. The message is lovely too.

04. What's your favourite blog, the one you read every post for and will skip reading others before you read this one?
I was rather addicted to Kelle Hampton’s blog, who is an American mum with a Down Syndrome daughter. She is an amazing writer and photographer but sometimes I have to have a break from reading her. She can be a little too perfect! Have a look: http://www.kellehampton.com/

05. Did you blog before you became a mother? and if so what was it about?
No, I only started blogging after the little man arrived on the scene, and I was rather reluctant to do it then. But I love flexing the creative muscles when I write, and I love the camaraderie between my fellow mummy bloggers. Everyone is so supportive.

My Questions:

01. Why did you start blogging? What do you get out of it?
02. What's your parenting style?
03. What is the best place in the world for you?
04. What has been your most exciting experience?
05. What has been your scariest moment as a mum?

The blogs I'm tagging:

It’s a bit time consuming but rather enjoyable!


  1. Lovely to read a little bit more about you. I'm with you on the fancy camera - would love to be able to do a bit more with mine. Must try to read the manual before it becomes an antique!

    1. Glad I am not the only one! The trouble is I hate reading the manual, but I know there will be so much more I can do with it if I do get around to bothering.

  2. Thank you for posting, it was lovely to read. I loved Dogger as a kid, will have to look out a copy to read with C.

    1. Yes do. I got it from Amazon. Getting one for my niece too. When my mother in law visited, she was delighted to see I had a copy as she read it to the little man's daddy when he was little. Ahh, the circle of life!

  3. It must be lovely to be so arty - re the music and paints and wallpaper etc. Nice getting to know you better X

    1. Can't claim to be an expert in any but have fun trying! Thanks for commenting. x

  4. I was going to do this tag, but what questions do you want me to answer? the rules say 5 new questions from you? xx

    1. What a clot! Sorry about that. I have added them to the post, but here they are below:

      01. Why did you start blogging? What do you get out of it?

      02. What's your parenting style?

      03. What is the best place in the world for you?

      04. What has been your most exciting experience?

  5. Am looking forward IMMENSELY to doing this... will do so when I have a large coffee/wine/chocolate bar (not all at once, you understand, just the ONE)(Hah) and then I will answer all your questions. LOVE YOUR BLOG. xxxxx
